How I Soak Beans

I had stomach issues for years with lots of gas and bloating. Beans were really hard for me to eat but I love them so much! In the past few years I started soaking the beans for 48 hours (many cultures soak beans and grains before cooking - easier to digest), then cook them in the slower cooker and finally freeze them in “can” size servings. This is far more effort than opening a can of beans from the store, however, if you are one of those people who loves beans but always gets gassy this could make your belly feel a LOT better! Why 48 hours - No gas! Some people soak for a shorter time but that is the magic for me.


  • Pour a bag of beans in a large bowl with enough space for 2 inches of water to sit on top

  • Put in the water and let it sit on your counter for 12 - 48 hours (if you have cats be mindful of paws!! We put ours in the microwave to avoid unwanted bean sampling)

  • After your time is up, skim the bubbles off the top of your beans

  • Rinse with clean water

  • Add beans to the crock pot with about 1/2 an inch of fresh water sitting on top

  • Cook for 6 hours on high

  • Measure out into freezer-safe bags and store!


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