Breakfast Prep Challenge

protein and fiber for blood sugar balance

So many of my clients skip breakfast. Often they don’t have time between getting the kids off to school and taking the dog for a walk before heading off to work. Sometimes they fast out of convenience and sometimes it’s a conscious choice**. They guzzle caffeine to get through the morning and then have a salad or half a sandwich for lunch and a huge energy crash at 3 pm. Sounds familiar?

If you are one of these people skipping breakfast, living on caffeine and adrenalin, I challenge you to eat breakfast every day next week by making it ahead of time. Wait, is she talking about meal prep?! Yup, I sure am! I’m not asking you to prep everything for the week, just 1 meal for YOU. If you want to be a superstar and double the recipe so your kids/partner/work bestie can do the challenge with you that’s your choice but I would suggest making a group activity of it. No such thing as a free breakfast…. or was that lunch??

Pick one of the recipes below - something shiny and new! And you guessed, make it over the weekend. For the bread and bakes, you can cut portions and store them in a big container in the fridge to grab in the morning. For the others, I would recommend portioning out your 5 days of breakfast in individual containers so you just grab and go in the morning. We want your morning to be as quick and painless as possible.

That’s it! Now see how your mood and energy are this week. Do you feel like you have more fuel? Do crash as hard in the afternoon? Are you less irritated or more friendly with your co-workers or family? Let us know in the comments below or reply to the newsletter.


Protein Powders

**If you are still getting a period, please don’t fast unless you are doing it with the guidance of a health practitioner. This is a really great way to tank your hormones and feel like crap. You will feel AMAZING the first few weeks, even months which is why it is so seductive. Then it goes downhill and takes a lot of work to get hormones balanced again.


March 2024 Round-Up MPN Digest


February Round-Up MPN Digest